Builds the specified system file creating the targets for R and other languages as well as the templates for performing simulations and estimations.
- system_file
name of the file defining the system in the ubiquity format (default = 'system.txt'), if the file does not exist a template will be created and compiled.
- distribution
indicates weather you are using a
or a'stand alone'
distribution of ubiquity. If set to'automatic'
the build script will first look to see if the ubiquity R package is installed. If it is installed it will use the package. Otherwise, it will assume a"sand alone"
distribution.- perlcmd
system command to run perl ("perl")
- output_directory
location to store analysis outputs (
file.path(".", "output")
)- temporary_directory
location to templates and otehr files after building the system (
file.path(".", "transient")
)- verbose
enable verbose messaging (
)- ubiquity_app
set to
when building the system to be used with the ubiquty App (FALSE
)- debug
Boolean variable indicating if debugging information should be displayed (
# \donttest{
fr = system_new(file_name = "system.txt",
system_file = "mab_pk",
overwrite = TRUE,
output_directory = tempdir())
cfg = build_system(system_file = file.path(tempdir(), "system.txt"),
output_directory = file.path(tempdir(), "output"),
temporary_directory = tempdir())
#> ── Building the system: /var/folders/pq/7srbf_fx3rd3k706hgxkg61r0000gp/T//Rtmpiu
#> → ubiquity:
#> → Distribution: package (2.1.1)
#> → Creating output directory
#> → Compiling C version of system
#> → Loading the shared C library
#> ✔ System built
#> ℹ To fetch a new analysis template use `system_fetch_template`
#> ℹ For example:
#> ℹ fr = system_fetch_template(cfg, template = "Simulation")
#> ℹ fr = system_fetch_template(cfg, template = "Estimation")
# }