Multiple default inputs can be specified in the system file. At the scripting level this function can be used to set all inputs to zero. Then only the subsequently specified inputs will be applied.
# \donttest{
# Creating a system file from the mab_pk example
fr = system_new(file_name = "system.txt",
system_file = "mab_pk",
overwrite = TRUE,
output_directory = tempdir())
# Building the system
cfg = build_system(system_file = file.path(tempdir(), "system.txt"),
output_directory = file.path(tempdir(), "output"),
temporary_directory = tempdir())
#> ── Building the system: /var/folders/pq/7srbf_fx3rd3k706hgxkg61r0000gp/T//Rtmpiu
#> → ubiquity:
#> → Distribution: package (2.1.1)
#> → Compiling C version of system
#> → Loading the shared C library
#> ✔ System built
#> ℹ To fetch a new analysis template use `system_fetch_template`
#> ℹ For example:
#> ℹ fr = system_fetch_template(cfg, template = "Simulation")
#> ℹ fr = system_fetch_template(cfg, template = "Estimation")
# Clear only infusion rates
cfg = system_zero_inputs(cfg, bolus=TRUE, rates=FALSE)
# Clear all inputs:
cfg = system_zero_inputs(cfg)
# }